Hi Little! presents "The Kind City" our new collection to claim greener and child-friendly cities for kids.
This summer, Hi Little! is coming back stronger than ever by activating a new awareness campaign entitled "The Kind City". This campaign was created with the aim of reclaiming greener and child-friendly cities and municipalities, giving prominence to those most affected: kids.
The idea of putting the cities and the children who inhabit it at the center of the project, is the outcome of the collective participation of more than 100 families who, in late 2019, asked Hi Little! to focus its next campaign on the marginalisation of childhood in decision-making about development of cities. During the lockdown, more than ever, we have witnessed how children were not allowed to go out for a walk even one minute before de-escalation started. An today, with "The New Normality" bars were open but parks were remain sealed off.
On this occasion, we launch a capsule with three organic cotton and ethical production t-shirt designs for the entire family. Through the motto "YOUR POLLUTION, MY CONFUSION", it aims at making visible an injustice that translates into a problem of autonomy and health, both respiratory and congnitive, for the little ones. an it presents the need to renaturalize cities and communities and make them friendlier and safer places as an emergency.
We launch this project on next Monday, June 29, on the Crowdfunding platform Goteo Foundation. For 40 days the designs of #TKC will be offered as a prize for the campaign whose minimum objective is to reach €6.500 in order to validate and make the project possible. The link will be: https://goteo.cc/thekindcity
Successfully achieving the objective will be fundamental, since it will not only make possible the production of the t-shirt collection, aimed at raising visibility and awareness on this topic, but it will kick off this protest movement that will be underway throughout the next school year and will lead to the consolidation of this social and sustainable fashion project.
This campaign aims to get kids, with the help of their families, to mobilize to act in favor of getting more spaces designed for them, free of traffic, where they can walk safely to school or to the park, and where they can interact with their friends freely, in addition to improving the air quality of their cities and municipalities.
10% of the funds collected by the campaign will be used to carry out actions to renatura the spaces and make them more child-friendly.